This year is coming to a close! The end of each year is always a great time to evaluate your life. How has this year gone? And more importantly, what are you going to do with the gift of the new year?
This year is coming to a close! The end of each year is always a great time to evaluate your life. How has this year gone? And more importantly, what are you going to do with the gift of the new year?
Parent conferences can be scary! Most often they are a dreaded part of our teacher duties. I have put together my 3 favorite Parent Conference Tips! Hopefully these tips will help you face your students' parents with confidence!
Beginning the school year can be especially hard. And important! The start of the year sets the tone for the next 9 months of school. So how do you start your classroom off on the right foot?
It's that time again! Back to school time! I have already been back to school for a week. Yep. Started back on July 27th for training and kiddos start tomorrow. Already had Open House! Yikes! Where did the summer go?
My students' password cards were a hot mess! They were never where they were supposed to be (I think they took a journey to the Land of the Lost!) and looked... a frightful eyesore. Here's what I did to put some class into my class passwords.
Linking up with Teaching Trio today for A Few of My Favorite Things linky.
I am on summer break so this is kind of indicative of where my mind is: Favorite T.V. shows of all time!
What are your favorites?
I am linking up with Teaching Trio for my weekly Sunday Scoop!
Here's a look at my up and coming week.
Here is a pic of my new puppy Arya! My son and I named her with a nod to Game of Thrones. She is a Border Terrier/ Beagle mix. Arya is 15 weeks old and a little shy from her past life. Rescue is good, my friends! The second pic is of Arya and my 12 year old Jack Russel, Harley.
What are you up to this week?

I am linking up with Teaching Trio for our Favorite Things Linky!
What are you looking forward to this summer?
It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Wooo Hooo! Let the deals begin!
Teachers Pay Teachers is having a great sale for the next 2 days. Most stores will be 20% off and with the promo code THANKYOU you can get an additional 8% savings. That's 28% off!
Check out my store for some cool new products!
My shopping cart is getting about yours?
I am linking up with Teaching Trio for my weekly Sunday Scoop!
Here's a look at my up and coming week.
What are you up to this week?

I am linking up with Teaching Trio for our Favorite Things Linky!
Here are a few of my favorite parts of my school day!
I love, love, love saying, "Good morning!" to my kiddos at the door of my classroom. I am a master at the "half-hug". A few of my students don't really get into the hug and that is fine too. They can give me a high- five or just a "Good morning." This really sets a happy tone for the day.
There is not much I like more than reading. I am an absolute book hoarder. I read all of the time. And nothing makes me more happy than sharing that love of reading with my students. I adore reading to them. I want to make the books come alive and embrace us in their pages. Always puts me in a good mood!
Teaching small groups is how I like to teach. I feel like I get to know my students better and that they, in turn, learn more. It makes teaching more personal and makes it much easier to differentiate. Sign, I wish I had time in my day to teach all subjects this way...
What are a few of your favorite times in your school day?

I am linking up with Teaching Trio for my weekly Sunday Scoop!
Here's a look at my up and coming week.
What are you up to this week?
I am linking up with my blogger friend, Beth, at Adventures of a Schoolmarm for Worship Wednesday.
This is a new linky that I am super excited about. I mean, who doesn't need some uplifting on a Wednesday? I know I do.
So here is one of my favorite scriptures. I have a hard time letting go and letting God. Anxieties seem to sweep in and flood my mind and my soul. This is one of the scriptures I have learned to try and remember that God is in charge even when my heart is anxious and worried. It helps to remind me that I need to delight in Him. That if I shift my focus from my problems to Him, He will quiet the loudness around me and bring comfort and peace to my soul. I almost see it as a tornado surrounding me. Stuff flying every which way, swirling and twirling, no end to the turning and churning. Like I am gripped in the clutches of everything that is going on around me. But if I look UP instead of out at all the turmoil, I can find peace in the storm. The storm becomes just background noise that is quieted by His peace and comfort.
I usually read the New King James Version so I can understand everything but keeping as close to the King James Version as possible. Therefore, the graphic is in that version. These other versions offer a slightly different outlook and may speak to you more though.
Living Bible (TLB)
Lord, when doubts
fill my mind, when my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me renewed hope
and cheer.
The Message (MSG) When
I was upset and beside myself, you calmed me down
and cheered me up.
Have a blessed day!
I am linking up with Teaching Trio for my weekly Sunday Scoop!
Here's a look at my up and coming week.
What are you up to this week?
I am linking up with Teaching Trio for our Favorite Things Linky!
I decided to do a non-teaching list this month. We do have lives outside the classroom, right?
Here are a list of my 3 favorite guilty TV pleasures- the shows that I watch but probably should be embarrassed by at my age. Although I am NOT the slightest bit embarrassed...they are just too fun to watch! I do have the excuse of having a 15 year old daughter...
Teen Wolf: I love, love sci-fi and this show fits right in. My daughter and I binged the first season on Netflix, and we were hooked. My favorite part...Stiles! Adore this character!
Vampire Diaries: Sci-fi again! Of course I am a Twilight fan so when they first came out with the Diaries I was doubtful but hopeful enough to check it out. I have to admit it wasn't love at first bite. Ha! It grew on me. The more Damon I saw, the better I liked the show! My daughter was too young to watch when the show first started, but this summer she recently came over to the "dark" side. We now watch on Thursdays together. Oh the sacrifices I make for mother-daughter time...My favorite part... Damon, duh...
Pretty Little Liars: Not sci-fi but a mystery. A several season long mystery. The twists and turns and surprises keep me watching every Tuesday. I wait until about 20 minutes into the show and watch Liars on my DVR so I can skip commercials. Theories on A? I have plenty! I haven't converted my daughter to a Liar fan...yet...but I am working on it. My favorite part...not knowing what will happen next!
Other shows that didn't quite make the top 3: Supernatural and Haven are both binge-worthy. One of my new binge finds is Orphan Black! Love it! Notice a sci-fi theme?
I linked the shows so you could check them all out!
What TV shows do you watch for fun?
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