3 Favorite Growth Mindset Read Alouds

Teaching Growth Mindset to students can be challenging. Teachers need to frequently remind kids that their mindset matters and affects their work. Use picture books to help encourage the Growth Mindset in students.

Teaching Growth Mindset to students can be challenging. Teachers need to frequently remind kids that their mindset matters and affects their work. Use picture books to help encourage the Growth Mindset in students.
If you haven't heard of the Growth Mindset yet, you are missing out! Check out my other blog post HERE and HERE to get some basic information about developing the Growth Mindset in your classroom.

Teaching Growth Mindset to students can be challenging. Teachers need to frequently remind kids that their mindset matters and affects their work. Use picture books to help encourage the Growth Mindset in students.

The first book I like to read to help teach Growth Mindset to my students is Your Fantastic Elastic Brain by JoAnn Deak. This book explains brain research findings in very kid friendly language without sacrificing the content. I also reread certain sections to spark some discussion as review of the Growth Mindset.

Teaching Growth Mindset to students can be challenging. Teachers need to frequently remind kids that their mindset matters and affects their work. Use picture books to help encourage the Growth Mindset in students.
When trying to teach my students that making mistakes is okay, I read Beautiful Oops! by Barney Saltzberg. This book has wonderfully interactive illustrations. Each page takes an "oops" and turns it into something beautiful. 

Teaching Growth Mindset to students can be challenging. Teachers need to frequently remind kids that their mindset matters and affects their work. Use picture books to help encourage the Growth Mindset in students.
The Tortoise and the Hare by Janet Stevens is a wonderful adaptation of the classic tale. It's a great book to teach students that determination and effort pay off in the end!

Want to encourage the Growth Mindset in your classroom? Check out Growing a Healthy Classroom Mindset on Teachers Pay Teachers!

Teaching Growth Mindset to students can be challenging. Teachers need to frequently remind kids that their mindset matters and affects their work. Use picture books to help encourage the Growth Mindset in students.

1 comment

  1. Thanks! These books look like a great way to introduce Growth Mindset to me students.


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