Reading is such a huge part of my life. I cannot remember a time when I didn't love reading. I am always reading a book. I am never NOT reading a book (I know- a double negative!). As soon as I finish a book, I already have a new one picked out and waiting for me ready to take me on the next adventure. I read for the pure pleasure of escaping my everyday hoo-hum life and entering into exciting worlds through the words printed on the page .
I actually have rules for reading. Now, these are rules for my personal reading, not rules for classroom reading or professional reading. That is my disclaimer.
Amy's Rules for Personal Reading:
- Never read a book that doesn't have a happy ending! This is my most important rule, and I NEVER break it. I have suffered enough in my life (details left unsaid). I don't need to suffer in my recreation time.
- If a book is not gripping me, I skip to the end. Yes, you guessed it, I read the end and then I put the book away and never think about it again. If a book doesn't grab me from the start, I don't want to waste my precious reading time on it. I have very little free time and squandering it on something I am not enjoying is just silly. This is the rule that can actually be quite freeing.
- I do NOT do book clubs. I do not like to dissect what I am reading. I read for pure enjoyment. My professional reading enlightens my mind- I don't need my personal reading impart great gobs of knowledge to me.
- I do not usually read award winning books. This kind of goes along with rule number 3. I just don't like being "told" what to read.
- Murders are welcome UNLESS they are children. I am okay with any adult being murdered and of course, love the mystery than ensues. But children. That is where I draw a very firm line. Nightmares, folks.
- I don't like to read books that make me cry. Drama is NOT welcome. I have had enough drama in my own life (details again left unsaid) to fill up the Lifetime movie channel. Sappy equals crappy in my library.
Maybe you're asking yourself right now what I actually do read. I LOVE mysteries! Murder is good. Crime is good. Humor is good. Romance is good. Adventure is good. If it has all of the above, then it is great!
Are you an avid reader? Do you have certain "rules" for your personal time? I would love to hear about them in the comment section!

Need some elementary reading tips? Check out my Crazy for Reading Pinterest board!
Are you an avid reader? Do you have certain "rules" for your personal time? I would love to hear about them in the comment section!

Need some elementary reading tips? Check out my Crazy for Reading Pinterest board!
Loving Jeffrey Archer books at the moment! Clifton Chronicles!