Do you depend on technology in your classroom? Are you using computers, tablets, projectors, SMARTboards, and more? Have you embraced technology? Do you use it everyday? If so, your heart probably shudders when the electricity blinks just like mine!
No Technology in Class Today?!?
Oh the horror, the despair, the misery, the gloom,
Terror is sweeping through my entire classroom.
I am in shock, and I shudder in dismay,
There are NO COMPUTERS in my classroom today!
The network is down. The computers are crippled!
The internet is gone. My anxiety has tripled.
How will I cope? Just how will I survive?
How will I teach without a hard drive?
No SMARTboard? No projector? No Elmo, you say?
Lesson plans locked in cyber space today?
No YouTube? No Google? No tablets at all?
Not even PowerPoints to project on the wall?
No ClassDojo? No games and no apps?
My teaching world has utterly collapsed!
How did teachers teach before the computer age?
How did they survive without a webpage?
How do I face a day without email?
How do I teach when all technology fails?
What do I teach with? The whiteboard? Oh no!
Markers and chart paper? Say it isn't so!
I open my door with a shudder and moan.
No substitute! I cannot run back home!
I will have to teach today no matter my fear,
Computers or not the students are here!
How do you feel when the electricity goes off? Do you just take it in stride or go into panic mode like me?
Need some tech tips? Check out my Crazy about Technology Pinterest board!

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