Creating a Classroom Book Shelf has so many benefits! Check out these 10 reasons to keep a visual of all of the books you read throughout the year.
1. Create a Visual Reference for What We Have Read
By making a Classroom Book Shelf, students have a visual trigger to remember the books we have already read together. The Book Shelf serves as a visual memory board. And not just for the students, but for me too! I sometimes forget that we have already read a great book that connects with whatever skills I am teaching. Having a list of all of the books we have read triggers my memory and connections as well.
2. Using Books for Multiple Lessons
Most books have elements to it that can be beneficial when you are teaching a reading skill. And some books are great for teaching multiple skills. But who has time to read each book over and over!
When I am teaching character, I can’t go back and read every book that has a fantastic character.
Instead of reading the books again, I just want to prompt the students’ memories. I want them to remember the books we have already read in class and just make reference to them.
3. Creating a Reading Timeline
Having a Book Shelf also illustrates a time line of sorts. It shows students what we have read from the beginning of school to the end. How fun to keep track of how many books we have read!
4. Highlighting that Reading Is Important to Me
Book Shelves teach students that reading is important. It tells students that this book is important enough to me that I am going to write it on our wall and keep it up for the rest of the year.
5. Showing Others What We Have Read
Classroom Book Shelves show visitors, administrators, and parents that reading is important in your classroom. Book Shelves give students a talking point when an a visitor enters your classroom.
6. Giving Students a Sense of Accomplishment
Book Shelves give your students a sense of accomplishment. This is so important for our struggling readers. Maybe these lower readers can’t read that particular book on their own. But since we read it as a class, it is on “their” shelf. They have in essence “read” the book just like the better readers in your class. You have granted them access to a book that was beyond their reach AND listed it on THEIR book read list.
7. Showing the Importance of Comprehending What We Read
Classroom Book Shelves teach students that reading is not just about words. It is about remembering what you have read! You don’t read a book and then just forget it. It shows students that they might actually need information from that book later.
8. Demonstrating that Each Book Has Something to Offer Us
It illustrates that books have stories to tell. That each book has something to offer the reader. That we can learn from the authors and the stories they have told.
9. Reminding Students of Authors and Series
Book Shelves remind students about authors and series that they might want to explore. If I read a book such as Frog and Toad, students might want to go check out the other books in the series. Having a visual reference gives them a place to start when they are journeying to the library.
10. It Is So Much Fun!
Watching your shelf grow and grow and begin to wrap around your room is so much fun! How big, how tall, or how long will your shelf grow?
Need help making a display? Check out my resource!
Happy Reading!

I LOVE this idea! It's in my cart and I can't wait to keep track this year